Estimated delivery time depends on the seller offering the product ,Product's availability with the seller , destination to which you want the order shipped to and location of the seller You can track your order and its progress, Watch the progress of your order.
    To change the password for your DigitalSahuji account, follow these simple steps: (1.) Log in to your DigitalSahuji Account (2.) Go to My profile (3.) Enter your new password (4.) Re-enter your new password (5.) Choose Update Account
    You can login to using your Google account. (1.)Open site (2.) go to sign up option (3.) sign up by giving required information ( fill the sign up form) (4.)Read and agree the terms and conditions (5.) and click on sign up icon ( Or you can sign up with google account)
    To place an order, please follow these steps: (1.) Log in to your DigitalSahuji Account (2.) Search the product you'd like to buy (3.) Select the product you'd like to buy( 4.) Read specification for conformation And click on Add to cart (5.) Select the number of quantity you needed and click on buy now (6.) Select the shipping Method and click on check out (7.) Add sipping, billing address ,Choose payment method and click on proceed (8.)Click ‘Add to cart’ or just hit 'Buy Now.’ • Choose or 'Add delivery address'. • Use a preferred payment mode and confirm the order.
    •If the refund is initiated due to “no longer needed” -then the shipping charge will not be refunded. • If the refund is initiated due to wrong/defective/damaged/quality issue then the shipping charge will be refunded. Return, Exchange, and Cancellations. • if the delivery area is outside the Kathmandu valley delivery charge is Rs150. • If the deliver area is inside the Kathmandu Valley it will cost 100 .